
Christians are to be informed, formed, and transformed in numerous ways within the life of the Church. Like a child within their mother’s womb, we are to live and grow within our Mother the Church. 

Spiritual Formation in Our Parish

We constantly hold in tension the truth that we must turn and become like a little baby to enter the Kingdom of God and that we are to grow into mature manliness, into the very fullness and stature of Christ. (Matthew 18:3 & Ephesians 4:13) This “turning” and “growing” is our formation.

Jesus says to His Apostles at the end of Matthew’s Gospel: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) The word disciple means a person who chooses to be a follower of someone. Jesus knows that no one can be made to be a disciple, one must choose it. If we choose to be a follower of Jesus, then we should be baptized and for the rest of our lives seek to learn and observe all that Jesus has commanded. This is no small task for He has even said, “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) Learning and practicing to live the life in Christ is what is often referred to as our formation. Like a potter working the clay or a goldsmith fashioning a piece of beautiful jewelry, God desires for us to become like Him, to become partakers of His Divine Nature. (2 Peter 1:4)

God, in His infinite love and mercy, will do this work in us. But only if we choose to participate and cooperate. Formation is when we willingly seek to follow Christ, when we choose to love God and our neighbour again and again. This cannot be learned in a book or by listening to or watching lectures. This must be practiced. Books and lectures may help and be a small part of the process. As we seek to turn (repentance) and to grow (the practice of askesis) in Christ we will find that this formation occurs personally and collectively in the life of a parish family. The primary way this occurs is through our participation in the Divine Services of the Church. Our parish also provides numerous other opportunities to grow personally and collectively.


At Christ the Saviour Church, we believe that our children are the future of the Church as well as being vital members of the Church right now. Our Church School Ministry provides age-appropriate activities and lessons that are based on the Orthodox Christian Faith and practices. 

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Through our Youth Ministry the teens of our parish are brought to a deeper love and devotion to the Holy Orthodox Church, its faith, teachings, and worship. Teen SOYO encourages the young people of our parish family to commit themselves to living the Orthodox Christian Faith daily.

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Young Adults

Fellowship is part of the design that our Lord intended for His people, from the creation of Eve to sending them out ‘two by two’ (Luke 10:1). As it says in Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Very few can be a Christian alone, as many of us find sustenance and joy in fellowship

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We are all members of one another as we seek to live the life in Christ. Whether it is learning about the Scriptures or the Lives of Saints, playing sports or games, enjoying good food and making new friends, we seek to share our lives with each other, and to make everyone feel welcome. 

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A catechumen is someone who is preparing to fully enter into the life of the Orthodox Church; this is typically through baptism (or chrismation). Becoming a catechumen means that one has truly made a commitment to live a life of repentance within the Orthodox Church.

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Resources in Our Bookstore

 Today there are more resources than ever before in the English language, modern and ancient, that express the orthodox faith. Our bookstore provides for these needs, for young and for old, for the inquirer, for the newly orthodox and for those who wish to deepen their faith.

Icon & Book Store

“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2